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Building my Team Skill Graph

A how-to guide on how to build your Team Skill Graph + tips and tricks on building one.

Colin Pace avatar
Written by Colin Pace
Updated over a week ago

Your Team Skill Graph showcases the overall strength, skills, and areas for improvement of your entire team, where we are comparing your individual team members to others in our database on a 100-point scale.

Team Designer Score is based on individual performance from completing assessments, courses, lessons, and challenges

Not only can you see your team score, but you can also see the skill graph of each professional that is a part of your team.

Our Skill Graph covers 6 main categories:

  • UX Research

  • Visual Design

  • Interaction Design

  • Content Strategy

  • Leadership

  • Core Qualities

All of our lessons, courses, and assessments are directly impacting these 6 categories, showing you how strong your team and each individual is proficient in these areas, giving you a bird-eye view of what you as a team can offer, as well as what your professionals can bring to the table.

Building my team skill graph

The first step to build your Team Skill Graph is to assign Verified Designer Assessment to your team members. We wanted to optimize your workflow here, so we are automatically assigning Verified Designer Assessment to every designer you invite to join your team.

Verified Designer Assessment is built to quickly test your skills across all 6 categories of the Skill Graph, so you can immediately see where you stand with your skills. It takes you 20 minutes to complete the Verified Designer Assessment, and get your initial Skill Graph mapped out for every team member.

Once you get your initial Team Skill Graph mapped out, you can slowly build and improve your Skill Graph by assigning specific learning content your team members and to keep them actively engaged with our learning materials. In order to help you make smarter decisions, we have created a recommendation engine, where we recommend specific learning content that directly impacts these main categories.

Every category has recommended courses, skill + skill graph assessments, and challenges that are directly contributing to this specific category. There are more learning materials that directly contribute here, and these are the recommended ones that can help you get started with your team upskill.

What are the benefits of building your team skill graph?

Modern design teams are taking a “hospital training approach”, where they are pairing professionals that are proficient in a specific skill set with others that would like to improve that same skill set.

Unlocking peer learning and peer mentorship is something that the majority of design leaders are looking into. Team Skill Graph enables you to implement this effortlessly.

Tips & Tricks for building out your Team Skill Graph

We’d like to show you 2 simple ways you could make sure your team members are continuously contributing to the team skill graph, while upskilling them.

Continuous learning and assessments through assignments

No matter if your users are experts or beginners, they need to be in the loop with all the changes that are happening. Continuously assessing them can help you build healthy UX learning habits. You can assign specific assessments, such as Wireframing, Prototyping, Design Patterns, or even Figma, Adobe XD and other tools to make sure their knowledge is always to the point, so they can bring their A game.

New member onboarding

If a new member joins your team, you can take a big slice of your onboarding process to Uxcel. If you’re interested in evaluating their current skills, you can assign specific assessments to your newcomer, and understand where they stand

Based on your current projects, you can assign specific must-have lessons, courses, and assignments that every newcomer has to take, as a part of their onboarding process.

Wrapping it up

Team Skill Graph can help you:

  • Understand where your team and individuals stand

  • Introduce peer learning and mentoring, so you can personalize their learning paths

  • Implement it as a part of the onboarding process

  • Continuously assess team members, and help them stay in the loop with all the changes

You can start your Uxcel for Teams 14-day free trial here.

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