In your Members section, you are able to manage your entire team: editing the access levels, disabling accounts, managing pending invites and more. In this tutorial, we’re going to show you how you can manage your existing team members, as well as the pending ones.
Managing existing team members
When it comes to managing existing team members, you can:
Edit Member - change the access level between Learn, Hire or Admin
Disable/Enable Member - disable specific users, restricting the access from Uxcel, but not completely removing them from the account. These users will also lose access to Pro learning content.
Remove Member - remove your team member from the account.
Besides every team member, you will see three dots next to their join date. Once you click on those three dots, you will see the options mentioned above.
Managing pending invitations
When it comes to managing pending invites, you have slightly different options. You can:
Edit Member - change the access level between Learn, Hire or Admin
Resend Invite - send a reminder to complete the signup process and join the team
Remove Member - remove your team member from your account
You can identify pending invitations next to a user where their status is showing Pending. Clicking on three dots next to it will open the menu to manage them.
You can start your Uxcel for Teams 14-day free trial here.